EROMID MDF TABLET- Quick Relief of Diarrhea & Abdominal Pain
Each uncoated tablet contains:
Metronidazole IP 200 mg
Furazolidone IP 50 mg
Dicyclomine Hydrochloride IP 10 mg
Indications of Eromid MDF Tablet:
-Acute Nonspecific Diarrhea
-Use in Treating Helicobacter Pylori Infections
-Chronic Diarrhea
-Relief From Abdominal Pain
It has been used for trichomoniasis, amoebiasis and giardiasis. Metronidazole is active against a wide range of bacteria including Bacteroides spp, anaerobic cocci, Fusobacterium spp, Clostridium spp. and Gardnerella, Vaginalis. It is also effective against protozoa including Trichomonas spp. Entamoeba histolytica and Giardialamblia.
Indications of Metronidazole
Amoebiasis, giardiasis, trichomonas vaginitis, anaerobic infections (after colorectal or pelvic surgery, appendectomy, osteomyelitis and abscesses of brain or lung), ulcerative gingivitis.
Contra-Indications of Metronidazole
Neurological disease, blood dyscrasias, first trimester of pregnancy.
Special Precautions of Metronidazole
Lactation, disulfiram like intolerance to alcohol, phenobarbitones.
Side Effects of Metronidazole
Anorexia, nausea, metallic taste, abdominal cramps, headache, glossitis, dryness of mouth, dizziness, peripheral neuropathy, CNS effects, seizures. Thromboflebitis of injected vein.
Drug Interactions of Metronidazole
Disufiram-like reaction with alcohol. Enhances action of coumarin anticoagulants. Blood levels increased by cimetidine. Effect reduced by phenobarbitone. Acute psychoses with disulfiram. Additive/synergistic effect with other microbials.
It is a nitrofuran compound, active against many gram negative bacilli including salmonella and shigella, also Giardia and Trichomonas. It is a less efficacious alternative in typhoid fever: 200 mg four times for a minimum period of two weeks.
Indications of Furazolidone
Bacterial enteritis. Food poisoning. Diarrhoeas, Bacillary dysentery, Giardiasis.
Contra-Indications of Furazolidone
Intolerance to alcohol. Primaquine sensitivity. Infants below one month.
Special Precautions of Furazolidone
Colouration of urine turns orange. Paediatrics : Use with caution. Pregnancy & Lactation: Use with caution. Elderly: Use with caution.
Side Effects of Furazolidone
Nausea, headache, dizziness.
Drug Interactions of Furazolidone
Hypertensive crisis with MAOIs and nasal decongestants. Causes orthostatic hypotension and hypoglycaemia with sedatives, antihistamines, tranquilizers and narcotics.
Orally has direct smooth muscle relaxant action in addition to weak anticholinergic effects thereby being used as an antispasmodic agent.
Indications of Dicyclomine
G.I. spasm. Irritable bowel syndrome. Hyperperistalsis, peptic ulcer, functional diarrhoea.
Contra-Indications of Dicyclomine
Special Precautions of Dicyclomine
Prostatic hypertrophy. Suspected glaucoma. Paediatrics: Reduced dose necessary. Age. Elderly: No special problems.
Side Effects of Dicyclomine
Dry mouth, thirst, dizziness, atonic constipation.
Drug Interactions of Dicyclomine
Enhances the adverse effects of anticholinergics. Hydrochlorothiazide + Triamterene decrease urinary excretion of Dicyclomine.
For Use of registered medical practitioner or a hospital only