Shallaki 400 mg (Salai Guggal),Dudhio Vachhanag 10 mg (Langali) Capsule
It helps in managing rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis because of its anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces the pain and inflammation in the joints.
Shallaki might help manage autoimmune disease due to its antioxidant property. The antioxidants present in Shallaki fight against the free radicals, which are responsible for causing cell damage. This helps in improving the immune response of the body.
Shallaki has analgesic abilities due to the presence of certain constituents. These constituents inhibit the mediators responsible for inflammation and pain, thereby managing the pain associated with inflammation.
Shallaki resin gives relief in pain (especially joint pain) because of its Vata balancing nature. According to Ayurveda, all types of pain are caused by aggravated Vata, using Shallaki helps to pacify Vata and reduces the pain associated with swelling.
Can BONSTY MR Capsule be used in arthritis?
Yes, Shallaki can be used to manage the symptoms of arthritis, as it contains certain constituents which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These constituents inhibit the activity of an inflammatory protein responsible for causing inflammation. This helps manage joint pain and inflammation associated with arthritis.
Yes, Shallaki can be used in arthritis. Shallaki is an effective remedy to control the symptoms of arthritis-like pain because of its Vata balancing nature and thus reduces the pain and improve the function of joints.
For Use of registered medical practitioner or a hospital only.